trigger level

英 [ˈtrɪɡə(r) ˈlevl] 美 [ˈtrɪɡər ˈlevl]

网络  触发位准; 触发电平; 触发电平旋钮; 触发水平; 触发准位



  1. When a group of bits in a neural net are found to trigger a pattern the image of an eye, for instance that result is moved up to another level in the neural net for further parsing.
  2. A single trigger pulse generating circuit outputs a pulse signal when an output level of an amplifying unit is changed.
  3. The load power is sampled and the thyristor trigger angle of compensation circuit is calculated in real time to adjust the level of capacitance compensation.
  4. Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded ( limit% d).
  5. Because the larger the event, the larger the number of oscillations of the transducer before they decay below the trigger level.
  6. Automatic trigger level and attenuator settings provide adjustment-free measurements that are displayed in units of your choice.
  7. Even if the influenza type A ( H1N1) virus in Mexico proves no more lethal than a typical seasonal flu, it could still trigger a level six pandemic alert if it is identified as spreading widely between humans in different parts of the world.
  8. So we can control the population which can trigger the Q-switch by controlling the superradiant convert electrical level in the superradiant detector and then the laser output can be stabilized.
  9. Conclusion: CD40 signaling can trigger activation of PBMC and LPMC from Crohn's disease to secrete high level of proinflammatory cytokines, which may play an important role in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease.
  10. The recent study show that NRSE dsRNA can trigger gene expression of neuron-specific genes through interaction with protein NRSF at transcriptional level, rather than through siRNA or miRNA at posttranscriptional level.
  11. Option games were used to get the trigger level of acquisition with different information.
  12. Moreover, with the extensions for realistic implementation, this paper introduces time to capture, liquidity risk and non-zero trigger level into the basic model.
  13. Conclusion: Photodynamic therapy with laser-activated BPD-MA might obviously trigger cellular apoptosis and decrease the translational level of bcl-2 gene in human bladder cancer BIU-87 cells, which suggest that photodynamic therapy with Laser-activated BPD-MA may trigger cell apoptosis through mitochondria-initiated apoptosis pathway.
  14. Conclusion Low level of TGF-β 1 can trigger the proliferation of rat mesangial cells, induce the expression of PAI-1, and high level of TGF β 1 can inhibit the proliferation of mesangial cells.
  15. This paper presents a new precise evaluation method for time base and trigger characteristics of digital storage oscilloscope. By using sine wave curve-fit method, the time-base, the slope of trigger, trigger level, trigger delay, and the trigger jitter have been evaluated accurately.
  16. The main error sources of pulse width measurement, including counter's repeatability, trigger level timing error, time base error, the amplifier hysteresis error, LSD displayed error, etc. are analyzed.
  17. And its trigger condition is cold air near ground join warm air, then develop a MCC by several small scale convective cloud under condition of upper and low level jet 、 stratification instability 、 etc.
  18. The parameter panel includes trigger channel selection, trigger level, trigger delay, sampling frequency selection and sampling depth.
  19. Unbalanced strategy of Mesh network can trigger zone congestion easily during the network is under high level load.
  20. So as to avoid the dead time which is caused by the delay of trigger processing, multilevel trigger method is usually adopted by traditional trigger systems. The first level trigger should be completed before the next collision happens.